Personal, social and health education

Speaking and Listening Bundle
A few resources I've cobbled together to help teach speaking and listening across the year groups.

Debate Boxing
This is quite possibly, the coolest thing I've ever tried out. The premise is as follows: a debate between two students (or teams) where four referees observe. The referees score what they see and a winner is announced at the end.
Now add in entrance music a la pro-wrestlers (think the Rocky Theme, We Will Rock You etc.) and run it on an open evening and I promise you this - you will have EVERY parent in at some point to see what is going on.
I've run this at SIX parents evenings now and the same thing happens every time - all of the kids rock up to watch. I set it last time round where the Deputy Head took on the winner of the students (a year 9 girl). They packed the place out to see who won . The debate topic "Batman vs Superman" (serious stuff this). Needless to say, she wiped the floor with him (in a totally professional way).
You'll need to be the promoter/commentator/ring side referee - this can be exhilarating and exhausting!
Try it.

Exploring Emotions
A unit of work I put together whilst working inside a secondary school's behavioural unit. The idea was that these lessons would develop the students ability to apply a vocabulary to emotions that they may struggle to recognise, feel, express or talk about in themselves and others. By helping them with this vocabulary, the theory was that they would be better able to reintegrate into the school environment and stay there.
It had mixed results, some students showed improvements, others less so. Either way, someone out there will hopefully find this useful.
The materials cover the following topics:
Feeling Afraid
Feeling Angry
Feeling Ashamed
Feeling Bored
Feeling Happy
Feeling Helpless
Feeling Lonely
Feeling Loved
Feeling Sad
Each "feeling" has an associated wordsearch and accompanying answer sheet. Most of these also have a whole lesson attached to them - there are some anomalies.
You'll need a copy of the AQA Sunlight on the Grass anthology story "Compass and Torch" too.
Some feedback would be useful folks. I've moved away from this type of work but would like to return to it - be nice to know if my ideas have worked elsewhere.

Ethics and Relationships
You will need to read the scheme to find out what worksheet correlates to what topic. It is the Ethics and Relationships file marked as a lesson plan. This covers a lot of ground from attitudes towards good and evil, to Baby P and Social Justice. Hopefully someone will find some of these resources useful.

ASDAN Worksheets
These are worksheets i used in an EBD's ASDAN lessons. The worksheets are geared around the 2008/09 ASDAN worksheet but can easily be changed to meet current ASDAN and COPE standards.

The Rainforest
3 worksheets; one looking at the environments, one looking at two animals from the environment and another looking at the Human Impact on the environment.